Case Studies SOLZAIMA

Automation in the service of productivity.


Case Studies SOLZAIMA

Automation in the service of productivity.


Less human intervention, less risk, more efficiency

SOLZAIMA is a company with around four decades of experience in manufacturing biomass heating equipment and solutions. It is responsible for equipping over 20,000 homes annually with its solutions, including water central heating recovery units. The trusted relationship between SOLZAIMA and ADIRA Metal Forming Solutions spans over two decades of joint challenges, during which SOLZAIMA viewed automation needs for increased productivity as opportunities for innovation with ADIRA solutions. The introduction of ADIRA solutions into SOLZAIMA's automation has enabled increasingly faster setups, resulting in growing productivity and a decrease in risk in processes. Simultaneously, greater time savings, particularly in tool changes, have provided improved productivity and a greater focus on value-added tasks, at the expense of more operational ones.

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More automation, more efficiency

Since the introduction of ADIRA solutions, SOLZAIMA has recorded a significant increase in productivity and process optimization, influencing the improvement of the final result and, consequently, the competitiveness of the company in the sector.


More automation, more efficiency

Since the introduction of ADIRA solutions, SOLZAIMA has recorded a significant increase in productivity and process optimization, influencing the improvement of the final result and, consequently, the competitiveness of the company in the sector.


Designed to create
greater dynamics in setups

Improvement of the metal sheet transformation process, especially in smaller series that require greater production flexibility.


Designed to create
greater dynamics in setups

Improvement of the metal sheet transformation process, especially in smaller series that require greater production flexibility.


The ADIRA Avenue

The relationship of trust and proximity, reinforced by the successive acquisition of equipment produced by ADIRA, has transformed the technology supplier into a strategic partner.


The ADIRA Avenue

The relationship of trust and proximity, reinforced by the successive acquisition of equipment produced by ADIRA, has transformed the technology supplier into a strategic partner.

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